Building responses

As we saw in the Request chapter, Emmett provides several tools for handling requests from clients.

However, since your application has to produce responses to these requests, Emmett also supplies some tools for that.

The response object

As for the request object, Emmett stores some data in the response object, data which will be used when the request has been processed and the output is pushed back to the client.

Accessing the response object is as simple as accessing a request:

from emmett import response

and this is the list of attributes you can deal with:

attribute description
status HTTP status for the response, set on 200 unless an exception/redirect/abort occurs
cookies contains the cookies that will be pushed to the client
headers HTTP headers for the response
meta meta tags for the response
meta_prop meta properties tags for the response

If you need to set a cookie you can just write:

response.cookies['yourcookiename'] = 'yourdata'
response.cookies['yourcookiename']['path'] = '/'

or to set a header:

response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private'

Meta properties

HTML has 2 kind of meta tags:

<meta property="og:title" content="Walter Bishop's place" />
<meta name="description" content="A pocket universe" />

they can be very helpful for improving your application's SEO.

Instead of manually writing them in your templates, you can add these tags to your response in an easier way. Lets say, for example, that we have a blog and we want to automatically add our meta tags on a single post:

async def single(post_id):
    post = somedb.findmypost(post_id)
    response.meta.title = "MyBlog - "+post.title
    response.meta.keywords = ",".join(key for key in post.keywords)
    response.meta_prop["og:title"] = response.meta.title

Then, in your template, you can just write:

    <title>{{ =current.response.meta.title }}</title>
    {{ include_meta }}

and you will have all the meta tags included in your HTML.

Wrapping methods

New in version 2.6

Emmett Response object also provides some wrapping methods in order to respond with files or streams of data, specifically:

  • wrap_iter
  • wrap_aiter
  • wrap_file
  • wrap_io

These methods can be used to produce responses from iterators and files.

Iterable responses

The wrap_iter and wrap_aiter methods are very similar, both accepts iterables: you can use the latter for asynchronous iterators:

def iterator():
    for _ in range(3):
        yield b"hello"

async def aiterator():
    for _ in range(3):
        yield b"hello"

async def response_iter():
    return response.wrap_iter(iterator())

async def response_aiter():
    return response.wrap_aiter(aiterator())

File responses

You can produce responses from file using two different methods in Emmett:

  • wrap_file when you want to create a response from a path
  • wrap_io when you want to create a response from a file-like object
async def file(name):
    return response.wrap_file(f"assets/{name}")

async def io(name):
    with open(f"assets/{name}", "r") as f:
        return response.wrap_io(f)

Message flashing

When you need to store a message at the end of one request, and access it during the next one, Emmett's response.alerts() become quite handy.

For example, you may want to send a success alert to the user. Let's say you have function which exposes a form, you can use message flashing to alert the user the form was accepted:

from emmett.helpers import flash

async def myform():
    form = await Form()
    if form.accepted:
        flash("We stored your question!")
    return dict(form=form)

then, in your template, you can access the flashed messages using response:

<div class="container">
  {{ for flash in current.response.alerts(): }}
  <div class="myflashstyle">{{ =flash }}</div>
  {{ pass }}

and style them however you prefer.

flash() and response.alerts() also accept category filtering, so you can do:

flash('message1', 'error')

or you can receive all flash messages with their category:

>>> response.alerts(with_categories=True)
[('error', 'message1')]