
A model is the single, definitive source of information about your data. It contains the essential all the informations and behaviors of the data you’re storing. Practically speaking, a model maps a database table and define what should happen to the data it contains.

So, how an Emmett model looks like? Thinking of a post inside a blog, an example model would be like this:

from emmett.orm import Field, Model

class Post(Model):
    author = Field()
    title = Field()
    body = Field.text()

    validation = {
        "title": {'presence': True},
        "body": {'presence': True}

As you can see, we defined three fields for our model, two of type string (is the default type in Emmett) and one of type text, which will map the corresponding columns in the table, and added some validation rules for them, so that we avoid to store posts missing titles or bodies.

As you will see in the next paragraphs, Emmett models have some reserved attributes, like validation which define some options for the fields inside your models. All the options listed in the next sections are available also as parameters of the Field class, and you can choose how to organize your code depending on your needs.

In order to use the model just defined in your application you must register it using the define_models() method of the Database class of Emmett, as we seen in the first example:

from emmett.orm import Database
db = Database(app)

This will create a Table object on your Database instance accessible both with model name and table name:


Accessing Model refers to the model itself, while db.Model refers to the table instance you created with your model. While these two classes shares the fields of your models, so accessing Model.fieldname and db.Model.fieldname or db.tablename.fieldname will produce the same result, they have different properties and methods, and you should remember this difference.

Tables naming

Under default behavior, Emmett will create the table using the name of the class and making it plural, so that the class Post will create the table posts, Comment will create table comments and so on.
If you want to customize the name of the table, you can use the tablename attribute inside your model:

class Post(Model):
    tablename = "myposts"

just ensure the name is valid for the DBMS you're using.

Emmett doesn't have a real pluralization system to evaluate names, so in case the name you've chosen for your model doesn't have a regular plural in english, you should write down the correct plural with the tablename attribute. Just as an example, a model named Mouse will be translated in the horrible "mouses" tablename, so you should assign:
tablename = "mice"


Field objects define your entity's properties, and will map the appropriate columns inside your tables, so in general you would write the name of the property and its type:

started = Field.datetime()

Available type methods for Field definition are:

Field type mapped to python object
string str
text str
blob str
bool bool
int int
float float
decimal(precision,scale) decimal.Decimal
time datetime.time
datetime datetime.datetime
password str
upload str
int_list List[str]
string_list List[int]
json Union[Dict,List]
jsonb Union[Dict,List]
geography(type,srid,dimension) str
geometry(type,srid,dimension) str

If you don't specify a type for the Field class, and create an instance directly, it will be set as string as default value.

Using the right field type ensure the right columns types inside your tables, and allows you to benefit from the default validation implemented by Emmett.

Note: some fields' types are engine specific, for instance jsonb field is valid only with PostgreSQL engine, and geometry and geography fields require spatial APIs.


To implement a validation mechanism for your fields, you can use the validation parameter of the Field class, or the mapping dict with the name of the fields at the validation attribute inside your Model. Both method will produce the same result, just pick the one you prefer:

title = Field(validation={'presence': True})
body = Field.text(validation={'presence': True})
validation = {
    'title': {'presence': True},
    'body': {'presence': True}

The validation rules you define will be used to validate the forms created from the models on the user input and inserts.
While you can find the complete list of available validators in the appropriate chapter of the documentation, here we list the default validation implemented by Emmett on fields:

Field type default validation allow blank value
string {'len': {'lt': 255}} yes
text {'len': {'lt': 65536}} yes
bool {'in': (False, True)} no
int {'is': 'int'} no
float {'is': 'float'} no
decimal {'is': 'decimal'} no
date {'is': 'date'} no
time {'is': 'time'} no
datetime {'is': 'datetime'} no
int_list {'is': 'list:int'} no
json {'is': 'json'} no
password {'len': {'gte': 6}, 'crypt': True}} no

When you want to allow your fields been empty, you can use the allow validator:
{'allow': 'blank'} or {'allow': 'empty'}

Disable default validation

Sometimes you may want to disable the default validation implemented by Emmett. Depending on your needs, you have two different ways.
When you need to disable the default validation on a single Field, you can use the auto_validation parameter:

a = Field(auto_validation=False)

Otherwise, if you want to disable the default validation on every field of your Model, the auto_validation attribute is handy:

class MyModel(Model):
    auto_validation = False

Default values

Emmett models have a default_values attribute that helps you to set the default value for the field on record insertions:

default_values = {
    'started': lambda:

Which is the same of the default parameter of Field class:

started = Field.datetime(default=lambda:

The values defined in this way will be used on the insertion of new records in the database if no other value is given during the operation.

Update values

As for the default_values attribute we've seen before, update_values helps you to set the default value for the field on record updates:

update_values = {
    'started': lambda:

Or you can use the update parameter of Field class:

started = Field.datetime(update=lambda:

The values defined in this way will be used on the update of existing records in the database if no other value is given during the operation.

Fields accessibility

Changed in version 1.0

The fields_rw attribute of Model class helps you defining the access rules to the fields. It might be useful, for example, to hide some attributes to users when you create forms:

fields_rw = {
    'started': False,
    'open': (True, False)

Any item of the dictionary can be a tuple, where the first value defines if the field should be readable by the user and the second value defines if the field should be writable, or bool that will set both values to the one given. By default, all fields are defined with rw at True.

You may prefer to explicit passing read-writes values to the fields, using rw parameter:

started = Field.datetime(rw=False)


New in version 0.7

Emmett provides an indexes attribute on models which helps you define indexes on your tables:

indexes = {
    'field1': True,
    ('field1', 'field2'): True,
    'custom_index_name': {'fields': ['fields3', 'fields4']}

Note: indexes are available only when using Database with migrations enabled.

As you can see, Emmett supports different formats for indexes, since we defined:

  • an index on the field field1
  • a combined index on fields field1 and field2
  • a combined index on fields fields3 and fields4 with a custom name

Practically speaking, the rules Emmett apply on the indexes definition are:

  • when the value is a bool, the key must be a field of your model or a tuple of fields of your model
  • when the value is a dict, the key will be the name of the index

Note: every index defined in Emmett models will have its name starting with modelname_widx__name.

When using the dict notation, you can also specify the unique option as a boolean, which is False on default behavior.

Emmett supports some advanced options on defining indexes, see the advanced chapter of the documentation for further informations.

Values representation

Sometimes you need to give a better representation for the value of your entity, for example rendering dates or shows only a portion of a text field. In these cases, the repr_values attribute of your models will help:

repr_values = {
    'started': lambda row, value: prettydate(value)

Once defined this, you can render the value using:

MyModel.started.represent(record, record.started)

And if you may prefer to explicit passing representation rules to the single fields instead of writing down in the model, you can use the representation parameter:

started = Field.datetime(representation=lambda row, value: prettydate(value))

Forms helpers

The Model attributes listed in this section are intended to be used for forms generation.

Form labels

Labels are useful to produce good titles for your fields in forms:

form_labels = {
    'started': T("Opening date:")

Labels will decorate the input fields in your forms. In this example we used the Emmett translator object to automatically translate the string in the correct language.

You can also use the label parameter of Field class:

started = Field.datetime(label=T("Opening date:"))

Form info

As for the labels, form_info attribute is useful to produce hints or helping blocks for your fields in forms:

form_info = {
    'started': T("Insert the desired opening date for your event in YYYY-MM-DD format.")

You can also use the info parameter of Field class:

started = Field.datetime(info=T("some description here"))


Widgets are used to produce the relevant input part in the form produced from your model. Every Field object has a default widget depending on the type you defined, for example the datetime has an <input> html tag of type text. When you need to customize the look of your input blocks in the form, you can use your own widgets and pass them to the model with the appropriate attribute:

form_widgets = {
    'started': my_custom_widget

where my_custom_widget usually look like this:

def my_custom_widget(field, value):
    # some processing
    return myhtmlinput

And you can also use the widget parameter of Field class:

started = Field.datetime(widget=my_custom_widget)

Additional widgets

In case you want to use additional widgets in FormStyle class, simply pass the relevant method in form_widgets dictionary:

form_widgets = {
    'field': FormStyle.widget_radio

The setup helper

Sometimes you need to access your model attributes when defining other features, but, until now, we couldn't access the class or the instance itself. To avoid this problem, you can use the setup method of the model:

def setup(self):
    # you can access the database, the table and its fields
    db = self.db
    table = self.table
    field = self.table.fieldname

Model methods

You can also define methods that will be available on the Model class itself. For instance, every Emmett model comes with some pre-defined methods, for example:


will create the form for the entity defined in your model.

Here is the list of all pre-defined methods in Emmett:

method description
new returns a new record instance with specified parameters (field=value)
create insert a new record with specified parameters (field=value) if validation succeed
validate validates the specified parameters (field=value) and returns a sdict of errors (that would be empty if the validation passed)
form returns a new form instance for the current model

But how can you define additional methods?
Let's say, for example that you want a shortcut in your Notification model to set all the records to be read for a specific user, without writing down the query manually every time:

class Notification(Model):
    user = Field()
    message = Field.text()
    read = Field.bool()

    def read_all(cls, user):
        return cls.where(
            lambda n: n.user == user

now you can easily set user's notification as read:

>>> Notification.read_all(my_user)

As you observed, you can just use the standard classmethod decorator of the python language.

Accessing Model.method() refers to the model itself, while db.Model.attribute refers to the table instance you created with your model.