
Depending on your setup and preferences, there are multiple ways to run Emmett applications. In this chapter, we'll try to document the most common ones.

If you want to use an ASGI server not listed in this section, please refer to its documentation, remembering that your Emmett application object is the actual ASGI application (following spec version 3.0).

Included server

Emmett comes with an included server based on uvicorn. In order to run your application in production you can just use the included serve command:

emmett serve --host --port 80

You can inspect all the available options of the serve command using the --help option. Here is the full list:

option default description
host Bind address
port 8000 Bind port
loop auto Loop implementation (possible values: auto,asyncio,uvloop)
http-protocol auto HTTP protocol implementation (possible values: auto,h11,httptools)
ws-protocol auto Websocket protocol implementation (possible values: auto,websockets,wsproto)
log-level warning Logging level (possible values: debug,info,warning,error,critical)
access-log (flag) enabled Enable/disable access log
proxy-headers (flag) disabled Enable/disable proxy headers
proxy-trust-ips Comma separated list of IPs to trust for proxy headers
max-concurrency Limit number of concurrent connections
backlog 2048 Maximum connection queue
keep-alive-timeout 0 Connection keep-alive timeout
ssl-certfile Path to SSL certificate file
ssl-keyfile Path to SSL key file
ssl-cert-reqs SSL client certificate requirements (see ssl module)
ssl-ca-certs SSL CA allowed certificates


The included server might suit most of the common demands, but whenever you need a fully featured server, you can use Gunicorn.

Emmett includes a Gunicorn worker class allowing you to run ASGI applications with the Emmett's environment, while also giving you Gunicorn's fully-featured process management:

gunicorn myapp:app -w 4 -k emmett.asgi.workers.EmmettWorker

This allows you to increase or decrease the number of worker processes on the fly, restart worker processes gracefully, or perform server upgrades without downtime.


Even if Docker is not properly a deployment option, we think giving an example of a Dockerfile for an Emmett application is proficient for deployment solutions using container orchestrators, such as Kubernetes or Mesos.

In order to keep the image lighter, we suggest to use the slim Python image as a source:

FROM python:3.8-slim

RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/deps
COPY requirements.txt /usr/src/deps

WORKDIR /usr/src/deps
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r /usr/src/deps/requirements.txt

COPY ./ /app


CMD [ "emmett", "serve" ]