Handling requests

Emmett provides several instruments to help you dealing with requests in your application. Let's see them.

The request object

When a request comes from a client, Emmett binds useful informations about it within the request object, which can be accessed just with an import:

from emmett import request

It contains useful information about the current processing request, in particular:

attribute description
scheme could be http or https
path full path of the request
host hostname of the request
method the request HTTP method
now a pendulum Datetime object created with request
headers the headers of the request
cookies the cookies passed with the request
body the request body (if available)
client the IP Address of the client doing the request (if available)

Please keep in mind that the now attribute will always use the UTC timezone, by default.

If you need to access the local time of the request you can use now_local:

# request datetime in local machine timezone

Note: since now is a pendulum Datetime object, you can easily change the timezone using the in_timezone method, like request.now.in_timezone('Europe/Berlin').

Now, let's see how to deal with request variables.

Request variables

Emmett's request object also provides three important attributes about the active request:

attribute awaitable description
query_params no contains the URL query parameters
body_params yes contains parameters passed into the request body
files yes contains files passed into the request body

All three attributes are sdict objects and they work in the same way, within the exception of requiring await or not, and an example may help you understand their dynamic:

from emmett import App, request

app = App(__name__)

async def post(id):
    editor = request.query_params.editor
    if editor == "markdown":
        text = (await request.params).text
    elif editor == "html":
        # code

Now, when a client calls the URL /post/123?editor=markdown, the editor parameter will be mapped into request.query_params and we can access its value simply calling the parameter name as an attribute.

When the URL doesn't contain the query parameter you're trying to look at, this will be None, so it's completely safe to call it. It won't raise any exception.

Now, what happens when the client does a POST request with the following body on the URL /post/123?editor=markdown?

    "text": "this is an example post",
    "date": "2014-10-15"

Simple: the request's params attributes will look like this:

>>> request.query_params
<sdict {'editor': 'markdown'}>
>>> await request.body_params
<sdict {'date': '2014-10-15', 'text': 'this is a sample post'}>

You can always access the variables you need.

Errors and redirects

Speaking of handling requests, you would like to perform specific actions on errors.

If we look at the given example for the parameters again, what happens when the user calls the URL without passing the editor query parameter?

Maybe you want to redirect the client with a default parameter:

from emmett import redirect, url

async def post(id):
    editor = request.query_params.editor
    if editor == "markdown":
        # code
    elif editor == "html":
        # code
        redirect(url('post', id, params={'editor': 'markdown'}))

which means that, when the editor var is missing, we force the user to markdown.

The redirect function of Emmett accepts a string for the URL, and acts like an exception, interrupting the execution of your code.

Maybe, you prefer to show your 404 page:

from emmett import abort

async def not_found():
    return app.render_template("404.html")

async def post(id):
    editor = request.query_params.editor
    if editor == "markdown":
        # code
    elif editor == "html":
        # code

That's all it takes.

So you've just learned three handy aspects of Emmett:

  • redirect and abort allow you to stop the execution of your code;
  • you can set specific actions for your application to perform when it encounters a particular HTTP error code with app.on_error();
  • you can use app.render_template() to render a specific template without the presence of an exposed function or a specific context.